Hopefully I will keep my Swedish readers as well as attracting new non-swedes or readers who couldn't understand more than the beers name since the rest was in Swedish. But lets try it for a couple of days and see how it works out.
As you can see the whole right panel has been quickly translated into English equivalents of what they were when the blog was in Swedish. So bare with me, it may take some time to get it all perfect.
Back to the business though - good brews.
Among the beers that Systembolaget (the only place in Swedish that it is allowed to buy alcohol)released in their mars-release among the Easter beers were the collaboration brew Juxtaposition, a beer made by BrewDog, Stone and Cambridge at Stones brewery.They label it a Black Pilsner, while RateBeer calls it an European Strong Lager and even others are having difficulties to label it. With a potential IBU over 100 and with Motueka and Sorachi Ace Hops from New Zeeland and Japan and with a new way of adding the hops - all through the brewing process which includes adding hops to the mash and the wort - this is something new and experimental!
Also, check out the bottles, each brewer has its own announcement on one of the three types of bottles. Read them, they're all good and show how these three brewers are willing to push boundaries.
Appearance: Minimal bubbles in the head, larger ones on the top. Pale brown color on the thin head which leaves some remains.
Aroma: Interesting aroma with a sweet maltiness with hints o Brazil nut followed by a semi dry character. A well composed mix of chocolaty aromas
Palate: Light to middle mouth feel. Juicy and good carbonation. Exiting and well hopped chocolate flavor with a gentle bitterness with some nuts accompanied by a flavor of pilsner malts. Very complex flavors. I find it very interesting how they have added hops all through the process – both in the mash and in the wort – you can really feel the hop character without it being so extremely bitter. This is probably how BrewDog and Stone wanted their Bashah to be with a nice mix of hops and dark character. I wouldn’t say that they’ve added too much aromatic hops and rather it is the pilsner maltiness I find lasting in my mouth. The chocolate flavor is kept gently balanced and is also adding to the bitterness.
Grade? – Better +, Very complex brew which succeeds in transcending the borders of what it really is. An European Strong Lager, a “black pilsner” or what can it be? I’d say its something new, something interesting and with a new way of approaching how to hop the beer.
Wow, I suddenly understand everything! Welcome to the club :)